Data Transparency
We are committed to being open and transparent about how we work, our decision-making processes and the services we provide. As part of this commitment we are increasing the amount of data that we make available publicly so that the public are able to hold us to account better.
We have used the government's Local Government Transparency Code, which recommends the datasets Local Authorities should make available as a minimum, as a starting point for deciding what information we should make available. Below are links to enable you to find these items more easily on our website.
- Expenditure over £500, (including costs, supplier and transaction information). Any sole trader or body acting in a business capacity in receipt of payments of at least £500 of public money should expect such payments to be transparent. All payments made through the Purchase Ledger can be found in the Agenda Papers of each Board meeting HERE.
- Senior employee salaries, names (with the option for individuals to refuse to consent for their name to be published), job descriptions, responsibilities, budgets and numbers of staff. ‘Senior employee salaries’ is defined as all salaries which are above £50,000 and above (irrespective of post), which is the Senior Civil Service minimum pay band. Budgets should include the overall salary cost of staff reporting to each senior employee. All this information can be found by following the link in our Organistaion Chart HERE.
- An organisational chart of the staff structure of the local authority including salary bands and details of currently vacant posts. This can be found HERE.
- Board Member allowances and expenses. Details of Board Members Expenses claimed in 2022/23 can be downloaded HERE.
- Policies, performance, external audits and key inspections and key indicators on the authorities’ fiscal and financial position. The Annual Return and the Unaudited Financial Statements for the previous year can be found HERE.