Projects Director & Deputy CEO
SP41 (2024/25), £71,376 essential users car allowance
Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer / Board
Duties, Tasks & Responsibilities:-
- Payment approval
- Capital works budget
- Plant replacement budget
- PSM Budget
- IDB 1 Operations
Capital Income
- Develop & plan future FCERM proposed schemes
- FDGIA Preparation & technical input & administration with CEO & Finance Director
- Scheme identification & preparation
- Co-ordinate key schemes & projects
- Plan maintenance & improvement works with Maintenance Manager
- Organise & control specialist operational subcontractors
- Supervise production of detailed drawings and specifications
- Investigate & advise on the purchase of new plant equipment
- Contractor site meetings
- Transport manager
- Liaise with Pump Engineer re. pumping levels & control
- Overall responsibility for pumping stations & assets
- Planning and consents - PEO
- Liaise with PEO over surface water & drainage problems
- Liaise with landowners and tenants
- Board meeting prep
- Attend Board & Committee meetings to present reports
- Prepare engineers reports
- Joint works / NW / SW meeting preparation
Representation - external bodies & groups
- Water Farming Resevoir Group
- WFRG - IDB Technical Group
- South Lincs Water Partnership
- Open water transfer group
- Wash and North Norfolk Marine Partnership
- Lower Witham Strategy
- Lincs Flood Risk Management Meetings
- Lincs IDB Engineers Meetings
- Fens 2100+
- LCC LLFA Common Works
Director / Management
- Duty Officer
- Weekly management meetings
- Flood event participation
- Line management
- HR
- Deputise for the CEO